Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Recipe - Sweet Potato and Almond Butter Gratin

What you'll need:

Sharp knife
Cheese/vegetable grater
Large mixing bowl
Small mixing bowl (or large cup)
Large casserole dish
Stiff whisk (or even a fork if you can't find your whisk)

About 2 sweet potatoes - 2 if normal or 1 if very large
2 tbsp sesame oil
A small amount of vegetable shortening - to grease the dish
1 tsp dried chille flakes or 1 red chili, finely chopped
3 garlic cloves finely chopped
1 cup of heavy whipping cream (unsweetened)
3/8 cup almond butter
1 lime's worth of finely grated zest
Juice from that lime
1/2 tsp each of salt and pepper
1/2 cup loosely packed mozzarella
2 tbsp grated parmesan

Heat the oven to 375F and place the rack just above middle in the oven.

Use the vegetable shortening to grease the casserole dish.

Peal and slice the sweet potatoes into roughly 1/8 sections.

Toss the sweet potatoes, 1 tbsp of oil, chili, garlic, cream, salt and pepper in the mixing bowl until each piece is coated and all of the ingredients are mixed throughout.

Place half of the slices into the casserole dish, arranging them so that they cover the bottom of the dish and are more or less evenly distributed.

Beat the almond butter, the rest of the oil, the lime juice and the lime zest until they make a paste.

Place small spoon-fulls of this paste atop the layer of sweet potatoes in the baking dish.  No need to be neat, because it will all spread out in baking.

Top this with the final layer of sweet potatoes and pour whatever cream is left from them on top.

Spread the mozzarella evenly over the top, and scatter the parmesan on top of that.

Cover the casserole with foil and bake for 20 minutes.

Remove the foil and bake for another 20 minutes.  Don't discard the foil.

Check the cheese on top.  If it's already looking golden brown, replace the foil.

Bake for another 10 minutes.  The goal is to cook the dish thoroughly inside and to have the cheese nice and browned.

Vegan variation - No need for cheese, and substitute a blend of silken tofu with plain soy milk for the heavy cream.