Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween - Protection PSA

Happy Halloween!

I have to say that this is not my favorite holiday. Actually, I'd be hard pressed to name a favorite, because I pretty much hate all of them for one reason or another. The one exception is probably Veterans' Day (or Remembrance Day for my U.K. friends - you know who you are.) In my opinion, that's a great reason to have a holiday. Most of the others are just pandering to one religious constituency at the expense of all the rest; which is un-American, isn't it?

Nonetheless, I've produced a little PSA - because I care - and this is a better time than most to raise awareness of the issues within it. It's hard to explain, so you should just watch. In order to allow you to focus on the images, there is no sound (It WAS going to be very elaborate, though, I assure you.) Enjoy.

Not to be preachy, but I hope you all learned something from that.

BTW, some of those photos were actually not bad, and you can see a slightly less racy, but way larger version on YouTube if you like here

Next blog will be about small farming around Phoenix, AZ. It's a growth industry (ugh - couldn't help it.) I did it for JAVA Mag.

© Corrin Green